CTK Monthly Vestry Meeting
Christ The King Episcopal Church 40 Charleston Road, Willingboro, NJ, United StatesMonthly Vestry Meeting
Monthly Vestry Meeting
Showing: A Question of Faith STARRING: KIM FIELDS AND RICHARD T JONES A judge remands Maria to a juvenile detention center after the teen strikes 12-year-old Eric with her car while texting. Joining Eric in the hospital is Michelle, a young singer who collapses while auditioning for a major record label. As their respective parents […]
To support & encourage one another while applying biblical principles to ongoing life situations. Via Zoom
A Geographical Prophecy - Jerusalem via Zoom
All Women of Christ The King are invited
All Men of Christ the King are invited
Table: $25:00 (Includes 2 Chairs) To reserve a table and make payment Call Church Office: (609) 877-2992 Tables are limited to 2 per reservation Payment must be received prior to the Yard Sale!! Click here for details.
Please join the ladies of the church as we celebrate our 32nd Women’s Day Celebration Our Guest Speaker this year is Reverend Kije Mugisha Rwamasirabo.